We lay the paths
to other worlds

We create amazing
and exciting worlds

Red Viburnum Studio is a young Ukrainian indie game dev studio that was founded on October 19, 2023 in the city of Odesa, which consists of talented and inspired specialists who strive to think and create freely, challenge stereotypes and canons, accept challenging challenges and united by the main goal – to create unsurpassed games and an unforgettable gaming experience.

We create the future!

Our values


Complete freedom of action, speech, decision-making, the opportunity to express yourself and self-realize


People are part of the product, the main influence of the product is the opinion of each of the team

Good management

Good management, lack of total control, everyone is independently responsible for the work done, managers can reasonably estimate the number of tasks and deadlines

Gender equality

Gender equality

Work is fun

We strive for comprehensive development of our specialists and their growth, work is fun

Flexible schedule

Flexible schedule, maximum convenience in work

Friendly team

Friendly team, comprehensive communication between team members, mutual assistance, ability to work harmoniously



Unique projects

We are engaged in ambitious and non-trivial projects, each of which is unique

Advanced technologies

We use advanced technologies to develop projects

Our team


Send us your questions, comments, business queries, or elaborate fanfiction.


For any inquiries by media, streamers, content creators, and dogs wearing tiny novelty press hats.


Tech trouble? Get in touch with our Support team.


Send us your questions, comments, business queries, or elaborate fanfiction.

General contact form

Send us your questions, comments, business queries, or elaborate fanfiction.

Press contact form

For any inquiries by media, streamers, content creators, and dogs wearing tiny novelty press hats.

Support request

Tech or any trouble? Get in touch with our Support team.

Business contact form

Send us your questions, comments, business queries, or elaborate fanfiction.

Business service request

Tech or any trouble? Get in touch with our Support team.

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Виникли технічні проблеми? Зв’яжіться з нашою командою підтримки.

Контактна форма для бізнесу

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Контактна форма преси

Для будь-яких запитів ЗМІ, стримерів, творців контенту та новин для преси.

Загальна контактна форма

Надсилайте нам свої запитання, коментарі, бізнес-запити чи детальні запити.