Red Viburnum Studio presented a teaser of its debut project

On April 18, the debut project of Red Viburnum Studio was announced – the game F 20.

F20 is a story-based single-player game in a realistic style with a first-person view, in the genre of psychological combat survival horror.

The game takes us to the events of The Great War, where the player, as an ordinary soldier of the British Expeditionary Force, will have to face all the horrors of war, meet with mysterious and inexplicable phenomena of supernatural origin, all natural human fears, find the truth in order to make the right choice because it depends not only our life…

Work on the game was started back in 2022 with the writing of the plot, lore, creation of concepts, game mechanics, choice of technologies and selection of actors by the creator and owner of Red Viburnum Studio – Volodymyr Horban.

On October 19, 2023, Red Viburnum Studio was created and work on F20 officially began, which is actively underway now.


The teaser was worked on by:

Producer, director and screenwriter – Volodymyr Horban
Art and assistant director, animator, operator – Dmytro Chumachenko
Special effects specialists – Roman Chmykh, Taras Moshul
Composer – Karina Ishchenko
Level designer – Oleksii Chmil

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Red Viburnum Studio presented a teaser of its debut project

On April 18, the debut project of Red Viburnum Studio was announced - the game F20. F20 is a story-based single-player game in a realistic style with a first-person view...


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